Friday, December 16, 2011

So This Is In My House Now

When we got her, I insisted that all cat accessories be cute and match the decor.  Does Kate Spade make cat toys?  Then Joe brought that home.  She loves it.  Not only is she a cat, she has no taste. 

You guys, I have sat on the floor playing with that thing with her for upwards of half an hour.  I've been known to give her a snuggle.  Sometimes I call her Lily-kins.  Or Lil Bit.  I have referred to myself as her mommy.  I am telling you this because I do not know who I am anymore.

Her brother still does not have a forever home and we have discussed going to get him. 

Somebody stop me.   


chickster said...

Bring the bothra home already!

chickster said...


France is really screwing up my ebonics.