Sunday, August 8, 2010

Caleb, Age 7 1/2

Caleb:  Can Peter Pan really fly?

me:  Yes.

Caleb:  I saw Peter Pan at Disney World when I was three and he was flying.  Are you sure there aren't ropes or something?

me:  Maybe for the person playing Peter Pan at Disney World.  But the real Peter Pan flies.

Caleb:  No.  He doesn't.  No person can fly.

me:  What about Superman?

Caleb:  [sighs] He's faaaaaaaaking.

me:  Really?  He's faking?

Caleb:  Yes.  There's no such thing as super powers.

me:  Last year you believed in super powers.  What changed in the last year?

Caleb:  I'm 7 now.  I'm smart. 

me:  That seems perfectly reasonable.


A said...

What's his take on the tooth fairy? I have many theories that I would like to discuss with him.

D&D said...

easter bunny?
i was always against a rabbit that delivers eggs.