Friday, March 26, 2010

Southern Roots

Although you wouldn't know it from visiting my apartment or seeing anything I currently own, my preferred design style tends toward country-traditional-elegant-cozy. I'm pretty sure that's how they describe it in all the design mags. I stalk websites that feature this style, counting down the days until I have the permanent home and budget to indulge in my country-traditional-elegant-cozy knickknacks. For example, I love absolutely everything from the Brook Farm General Store, such as:

Vintage Creamware Pitcher

Market Basket

Woolen Blankets

Gigogne Glasses

Porcelain Measuring Spoons


This design aesthetic preference is making a lot more sense after today when, through efforts of my family to fill in the family tree, I discovered we have such Southern family name gems as Lofton Cicero (my great-great grandfather), James Wagstaff (my great-grandfather), Ethel Pearl (my great-great grandmother), and Frances Magnolia (another great-great grandmother). Love it. Makes me crave grits and have a sudden urge to say, "bless their hearts."

Also, from Brook Farm, how fantastic is this card?

"Take Those Damn Pants Off!" Appropriate for any occasion.