Friday, March 26, 2010

I Don't Want to Make Too Much of Myself, But I'm Pretty Sure Perez is Going to Take This Super Personally

I don't really have any particularly bad vices. I don't smoke, I don't drink to excess (Anymore. Please don't ask any of my college friends for stories. We're past it, people!), I don't bite my nails. No horribly bad habits unless you count staying up too late and maybe watching too much TV. But I do have a bit of an addiction to celebrity gossip. I read the stories, knowing there's probably only about 10% of truth to them, and the whole time I'm thinking, "that's just awful, how could anyone say that about her? These gossip mongers should be ashamed of themselves" as I click to the next page to read more. Shameful, I know.

My drug of choice is the king of the gossip: Perezhilton. And like most addicts, I feel guilty every time I imbibe. So, that's pretty much every day. Several times a day. I know it's harmless folly. But the shit talking and immediately assuming the worst about people and wishing bad situations on people so you can make a buck? Do I want to support that? But dammit, I want to know who Jennifer Aniston is dating and what's going on behind the scenes of my favorite show and also what the hell is Britney Spears wearing!

So in an effort to ever better myself and remove toxic influences from my life, I've decided to put a one week moratorium on Sir Perez. I even unfollowed him on Twitter. That one hurt a little. This won't be easy. Every time I'm bored, my fingers itch to type his name.

Even though it probably doesn't matter a whit in the big scheme of things, I kinda feel a little better. Especially since there is absolutely zero chance of me going to bed any earlier or turning off the television.


D&D said...

this is probably wrong of me, but uh, have you read THIS site?

i laugh HARD at each post. he is completely vile and i love him.