Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Funny Thing About Dreams. They Cost Money.

So. Being a lawyer. Kind of frustrating. I have an application to the Culinary Institute of America sitting on my desk. It's calling my name. Saying inappropriate things like, "Put down that casebook. You could be elbow deep in pie crust and chocolate ganache and learning how to make cheese. What are you thinking?" Here's what I'm thinking, application to the Culinary Institute: you cost just as much as law school and the average starting salary of your graduates is less than what I was making pre-law school. And despite my best and never ending efforts, I cannot live on chocolate and batter alone. So I will just dream of you. When I'm bogged down in outlines and cases and trying to understand concepts for which there is no right answer, I will think about the smell of a flour-y bakery, fresh brewed coffee, All-Clad bakeware, marble countertops, and all the delicious recipes I can dream up. And then get back to the casebooks because someone has to pay for it all.

P.S. - Someone doesn't have to be me. In case you were wondering. I take cash and checks.