Monday, July 27, 2009

Irrational? Nope, Not Me

There is nothing scarier than looking up and seeing a creepy crawly bug on your ceiling, running to the bathroom to grab some tissue to address the situation, only to return and discover the bug is nowhere to be found. I was so unsettled by this occurrence last night that I could not sleep. Because if I lose a bug, I immediately assume it is in my bed and it has invited its friends. They will mate, lay eggs, and soon lots of creepy crawly babies will hatch in my bed while I'm sleeping and then they will swarm my body and I will awaken, covered in creepy crawlies, and I will never be able to sleep in a bed again or breathe air in life again without getting that yucky phantom there's a bug on me feeling and then I will die and that will be the end of my life and I'll be buried in the ground, forever to have creepy crawlies crawling all over me, the end. So you can see why I couldn't sleep. All because of a bug on my ceiling. WHERE DID IT GO?