Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Came, I Saw, I Tweeted

If you scroll down and look to your right, you will see that I Twitter now. I tweet. Come along, won't you? Because you couldn't get enough. This is just the beginning. I have some of my best people working on how I can offer my essence in an IV drip so you can insert me directly into your blood stream. And then? My essence in pill form. Pre-ordering begins at midnight.

Some of my friends (hi, Sheridan!) will be surprised that I have decided to Twitter since I have very strongly and violently resisted Facebook and MySpace for all these years. Sher and I have actually had words about this. I think I used all caps and several exclamation points. I just don't like it. I know how I obsessively look up people dating back to pre-school whenever I'm on a friend's Facebook account, and then I say to my friend, "Dude, have you seen so-and-so?" or "Oh my gosh, he joined the army!" or "Holy crap, he's already bald!" or whatever, and while this is fun, I just don't like the idea of being out there like that for anyone and their mother to look up and be all up in my business. Also, I'm uncomfortable with being tagged. I don't entirely understand what it entails or how it works and it sounds unpleasant.

I'm much more comfortable and okay with putting myself out there in the form of this blog and now Twitter, which is strange, because arguably, this is much, much more personal and is a much bigger piece of me out there. But I like the idea of this. I've never been able to keep a journal consistently before and I've always regretted that because I feel like my life is always changing and I'm so different now from who I was when I was 16 or 20 or 23. Now, because of this, so far, I'll always have a piece of myself from when I was 25 from April to July of 2009. It's also been nice to share things with friends and family that I might not bring up in conversation and get your feedback and support and comments. I really love it, and I appreciate my buddies reading this and sending me emails and for just being a part of my life in general. Wow, this got off on a very sentimental tangent. Poop. There, that's better.

Where was I? Oh, right. I Twitter now. And I put my last name on it so now the world can find me. Sheridan is thrilled. I am unsettled. No weirdos, please. And no, Sher, I still don't want pictures of me on your page. But I love you and that should count for something!


JamesBluntCanSuckIt said...

you're slowly getting sucked it . . . Facebook is only a small step away *mwuahaha*

JamesBluntCanSuckIt said...

IN, sucked IN - sorry, i was on a roll with my naming and James Blunt Can Suck It (because he can!)

LWhits said...

I already have DOZENS of photos of you on my facebook. So you really you might as well just give in already as everyone we collectively know has already seen them!

Kristin said...

Ironic how I get acosted for not posting recently and then in the end of this blog you praise your friends for reading and commenting. Jerk.

Christina said...

Kristin, don't you see?? I wanted you to come back and comment so you could be included in my big cuddly blog of love!

Also, LWhits, I'm going to need to see those pictures. Great, thanks.