Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pros and Cons

Okay, I promised full disclosure. Grades came out this week. B+, B, B, B, A-. Not stellar but not crappy either. I can live with it. I actually can't wait to get back to school. Yes, homework and studying sucks but I did enjoy having my day be over by 11:30 and having so much free time. Now I'm getting up at 6:30, on the train to Philly by 8, working from 9 to 5, on the 5:35 train back home, ripping off my work clothes and trying not to fall asleep on the couch until I can crawl into bed. My goal for this upcoming second week of work is to incorporate going to the gym somewhere in there. Poopy.

So far, the internship is going well. I don't want to give too many details because I have been warned by several sources to never discuss work on the internet. I like the other interns and the people around the office though. We got to observe court on Friday and, oy, does that system need some tweaking. Don't worry, I'll try to get that done this summer. We're going to get a ton of client interaction and get to draft pleadings and help people work their way through the court system.

The down side is that I currently only have $38 in my bank account and this internship doesn't pay. I got a fellowship and should be getting work study money but don't know how long I'll have to wait for it. Things are bad when you have to charge $1.50. So basically I love the hours of being in school but hate the pay. And when I was working I hated the hours but loved the pay. So basically what I'm looking for is a job that will pay me a ton and only require me to put in 3 hours a day. I know what you're thinking: have you tried hooking? But my mom said she wouldn't be proud of me if I tried that. Unconditional love, my ass.


SG said...

I served as a juror on a civil case last week. They settled in the middle of the trial, but several times I had to stop myself from blurting out my internal running commentary. Also, during opening statements all I could think of was the scene from My Cousin Vinny when Vinny makes his opening statement: "everything that guy just said is bull shit. thank you"