Thursday, April 30, 2009

Studying Sucks And Other Things I've Learned in Law School

Two finals down, three to go. I have decided to try an experiment: does studying result in higher grades? I know what you're thinking: this is a pointless experiment, you're wasting your time, studying obviously results in higher grades. However, since I am in law school, I know that overwhelming evidence pointing to a decided fact is not always enough to convince a jury. And in this case, the jury is me and the verdict is still out. (Don't you love how I incorporate legal stuff into my humor? That doesn't make me insufferable at all!)

For my previous two exams, I actually reviewed materials at least two days prior to the exam and studied with friends the day before. Before my first exam, I even had a friend over here from 11:00 am until 10:00 pm and we reivewed every single case and every single topic brought up during the semester. I didn't even watch Oprah or Ellen or Dancing with the Stars. The effort on my part was monumental. Monumental. I'm not convinced the sacrifice on my part was worth it, quite frankly. Yesterday, I had friends over again and we studied until midnight on the exam I had today. I again missed Ellen and Oprah but, horrifyingly, I also missed America's Next Top Model. I know! But don't worry, friends. Luckily, the CW replays ANTM on Friday nights.

Anyway, the point of the story is I am making an effort. It might be very, very begrudgingly but effort is effort and I should get credit. We'll see how grades come out. Last semester, all I really did was cram right before the test. In the interest of full disclosure, last semester I made A-'s and B's and one unfortunate C+. In the interest of completely full disclosure, I made the C+ on an open book exam. How does one get their lowest grade on an open book exam, you ask? I would very much like to know the answer to that myself.