Friday, May 15, 2009

I Might Be Broke, But Damn If I Won't Be Pretty

I am a bit addicted to products. I love all of them: lotions, make-up, hair stuff, face washes and creams. I love it all. I even try out different kinds of floss, that's how far-reaching this obsession is. I'll just be driving along on a perfectly ordinary day and then suddenly get an itch. And the only cure is a stop at my local CVS so I can peruse the aisles and drop $50 on a ridiculous assortment of products that promise to change the texture of my hair, minimize my pores, moisturize my lips, and also cure cancer. I mean, really, it's a bargain.

In addition to not being very frugal and being an addict, I'm also not very loyal. I rarely buy the same product twice because there are so many others to try. So since, you know, this clearly qualifies me to give advice, I thought I would take the opportunity to make a few recommendations. These are a few of the very rare items I have bought more than once. Which means I love them and want to share them with the world. If you haven't already figured it out, I couldn't think of anything to write about today. Then I spied the huge case of products that accompanied me to Atlanta and inspiration hit. Here we go:

I apply lotion to my hands and arms every night before I go to bed and this Aveeno Stress Relief lotion helps me drift off to sleep nice and easy. It smells yummy, isn't greasy at all, and the bottle is purple. I don't know what else you could want in a lotion, other than maybe dissolving ten pounds of fat with every application. I haven't found that cream yet, but quite frankly, I can't promise I would tell you about it even if I had.

As I have previously mentioned, I have thick curly hair. The key to curly hair is it must be moisturized otherwise it looks like a big, dry frizzball, so I am constantly on the look out for anything that might infuse my hair with moisture and help me beautify my locks into submission. This Neutrogena Triple Moisture Silk Touch Leave-In Cream does the trick. It makes my hair so soft and silky smooth and it works equally well whether I let my curls go nuts or straigten it out, which makes me very happy.

This last item is not a beauty product but it is a new discovery and is worthy of mention. To understand why I love it so, you must know that I love sweet iced tea almost as much as I love coconut, and we all know how I feel about coconut. The problem is that people outside of the South are short-sighted and feel that tea doesn't need to come sweetened, so I can't readily get it everywhere the way I can when I'm home. So when I discovered Ice Breakers Ice Tea Mints, it was like letting a little piece of home dissolve on my tongue. Don't think about that analogy too much. They really do taste like sweet iced tea, but as a bonus they are sugar-free and almost no calories. I love things with no downside. Now if I could just find a sugar-free coconut mint I'd be in heaven. Or, oh my gracious, a coconut sweet iced tea!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of dissolving fat lotions - I love Soap & Glory Slimwear! It "firms, contours, smoothes and reduces the appearance of cellulite." After a hard fall during an attempt to ski left a small dent in my right gluteus maximus I have been searching the many ways on how to dedimple the derriere. This little lotion has done wonders!

Kristin said...

10%. You can have the money direct-deposited into my account from now on. Thanks.