Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Heart on Film

Other than the actual whole getting married part, my favorite thing about the wedding weekend was combining many of my favorite people in the whole world and getting to hang out with them all at the same time.  High school friends met college friends and friends met family and Joe's friends met my friends.  I don't get to see the professional shots for another 6 weeks, but already the pictures I've seen snapped by friends and family mean the world to me.  Who knows when or if these combinations of people will ever be together again?  Having a photo with some of my best college friends and my beloved cousins and my high school friends all in the same shot?  Pretty fricken awesome.
Me in the middle before the wedding waiting for my hair to set with the two girls who have been there for the longest, Kathryn (since the summer after my freshman year of high school) and Sheridan (since 7th grade).
Me and my cousin Laura who is the best of everything. 
This picture cracks me up because what the hell and because it took me forever to figure out when it was taken.  I had just sat down to have my hair put up to set and realized a few minutes in that my shirt needed to come off so I wouldn't have to pull it over my head after the hair was up.  So I jumped up and started stripping so I could put on my very, very important bridal robe and bridal slippers and apparently someone wanted to capture that oh so memorable moment.  I don't know what's up with Sher in the background.  I think I'm framing this one.
This one is from the rehearsal dinner.  Me, my cousin Windy, my cousin Kim, and my cousin Laura.  Three of the most important ladies in the world to me.  We kept it casual and went for bowling, pizza, and beer.  Had the best time with all of our buddies and families.
That's me and my best college buddy, Sara, towards the end of the reception.  That's my husband of a few hours in the background simultaneously ruining and making an adorable picture of the two of us.  Notice how his head is too close to the two of us to be cropped out.  I'm pretty sure that's gotta be Rule #1 of photo bombing.  Well done, sir. 
This is going in the books as one of my favorite pictures of all time because those four ladies on either side of me are my inspiration and my constant and my everything.  My bridesmaids just after the rehearsal.  From left to right: Sheridan, Sara, me, Kathryn, and Laura.  When Laura saw this shot, she pointed out that the rest of us desperately needed some sun.  She's orange from an overzealous spray tan and a too generous application of bronzer.  That sense of humor about herself is one of my favorite things about her.
Six more weeks until the professional shots.  I can hardly stand it.