Thursday, June 21, 2012

We Made It!

Internet was just hooked up yesterday so I've been spending the week putting our new little apartment to rights. 

The apartment is okay.  It's small, but I love that it has a huge patio and backs up to a wooded area.  We regularly have deer and chipmunks wandering by and there was even a late night skunk sighting. 

I am not so thrilled that the unit Joe was shown had a remodeled, updated kitchen and ours definitely does not.  The oven is half-size and ancient and I can't fit half my pans in there.  If we had known that, we probably would not have rented this apartment, so important is cooking and kitchen-being to us.  They never told us our unit would be different and Joe never saw this unit because there were tenants still in it when he was looking.  Strangely, the bathroom has been fully renovated, which I'm happy about, but why only half renovate?  Why?

I have not fought this battle yet because I've been busy unpacking but it's brewing.  Not pleased. 

There was a slight unpacking interruption on Tuesday for a quick jaunt up to Albany to be sworn in to the New York bar.  There's something about being sworn in to the NY bar in the same ballroom where I labored over the bar exam that creates a full circle moment I can really get behind.  So now I'm official.  An attorney twice over

I'm giving myself this week to settle and organize and arrange and then I will relaunch the job search full force.

It still hasn't sunk in that I live here, but I also have left the apartment maybe twice this week and haven't even seen my family yet, though my cousins are only three miles away.  I just want to get everything unpacked and lovely and then I will emerge a New Yorker. 

Be back soon.