Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Heart NY

There's something about New York City that inspires you to leave your hotel room at 10:00 at night just to take a walk around the block by yourself.  Maybe grab a decaf coffee and let the breeze rustle through your hair.  Stroll slowly and wonder about the people passing.  Where are they going?  Who are they with?  What's their story?  It's pretty awesome.

Even though I was there for work, I still got in dinner with my brother and met up with my college buddies for a night out.  I don't have the words for how much this group means to me, but I love that every time we're together, we can pick up exactly where we left off.  I imagine us around a table very much like this 40 years from now still telling the same old stories that still crack us up. 

Even when it takes 45 minutes to get a cab at 2:00 am on a Saturday night and the frustration is palpable, these moments still make me want to take a step back, take a mental picture, and enjoy the fact that at 2:00 am on a Saturday night with not an empty cab in sight, there was nowhere I would rather have been with these people in this city.

And then we ended the night at a gay bar, because no matter what we plan or what we do, we always seem to end the night at a gay bar.  The same gay bar.  Every. single. time.  A little tip, ladies:  use the bathroom before you get to the gay bar.  Because those boys may be able to dance like nobody's business but they can't aim for the toilet any better than a straight man.  And Lord knows there ain't no ladies room. 

Love it.


SG said...

I love you guys!! You and Joe are always welcome to move in with me if you want to come back to the city :) Phyllis would love it!