I graduated on Friday. It was a fantastically amazing, wonderful, perfect day. Not so much because I graduated and got to close that chapter, but because I was surrounded by people I love and adore. There aren't many times in life when you get a large group of the most important people in the world to you in the same room, and I think the fact that those people were here is what made the day what it was. Of course, not everyone who is on that list could be there, but they called, sent cards, emails, texts, etc. and I am still riding high on all the love. Though I am fiercely independent and am often not as good a friend as I aspire to be, I could not be who I am or accomplish what I have without these people who have enriched and blessed my life. Friday was a celebration of them as much as it was of me. I do not have the words to express my gratitude and adoration, but I know you are there and I am thankful.
Graduation attendees:
Top Row Left to Right: cousin Kim holding baby Joshua, mom, dad
Bottom Row Left to Right: brothers Matthew, Andrew & Mark, cousin Windy, and Joe
Missing from picture are Joe's parents, Judith & Phil
Processing in and taking our seats (I'm the one in the middle looking down)
Graduating! |
Graduated! Looking up to confirm my family's approval. I know they were paying attention because at every graduation I have had thus far, my brothers and Joe make it a point to outdo all the individual graduate cheers which came before and which might come after. Obnoxious? Yes. Do I love it? Yes.
The immediate family: brothers Andrew and Matthew, dad, me, mom, brother Mark
Matthew, dad, me, Mark, Andrew. Note we are all looking at different cameras. For each picture, assume everyone who is not in it was taking a picture. The same picture. On 6 different cameras. At the same time. Totally necessary. I make fun while also understanding that had I not been in all these pictures, I, too, would have been taking pictures.
Joe, his parents, and me. They met my family for the first time at graduation and it could not have gone more swimmingly.
Celebratory lunch and cocktails
My father will make a toast wherever people gather. Just try and stop him. This was one of three occasions on which he clinked his glass and stood to speak. God bless him. |
Next up: bar exam.
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