Monday, November 1, 2010

Sometimes I Just See What Comes Out

Holy crapapotamos.  It is November.  When did that happen?  Today apparently.  Yesterday's feelings of slowly drowning aside, it is fall and it is my favorite time of year.  I do love looking out over my balcony and seeing all the orange and yellow and red, opening all the windows and letting the cool crisp air flow in, curling up on the couch with a soft blanket and huge cup of steaming coffee with a touch of cream and cinnamon.  There are few things better.

One of the many reasons I think I will always live in the northeast, despite growing up in the south, is simply because of this season.  There is no fall down south.  There is summer and not summer.  That's no way to live.  And even though I have a dear friend who professes the fabulosity of living somewhere that is a perpetual 70 degrees, I would not be happy without a true fall.  Or a true winter, for that matter.  If you've never seen the world gone quiet covered in a blanket of white, well then, you must try it out some time.  It's pretty magical. 

On a completely side note, I'm watching a Kardashians re-run and how fricken-fracken hot is Miles Austin?  Dude could melt snow just by walking outside.  See how I connected the two thoughts there?  I'm very good.  So, I realize it's moot since Miles and Kim are over, but totally hotter than Reggie, am I right?  Not that I'd kick Reg out of bed either.  Just sayin'.  Hi, mom.

Where was I?  Fall.  I love it. 

Additionally, and lastly, in what has become this little potpourri of my random thoughts, you must check out my friend Laura dressed as a Maine tourist for Halloween because it is at once hilarious and adorable.  Good work, Lores.

Oh good heavens, Bruce dancing.  This show is genius. 

(P.S. I think spell-check is broken because it had absolutely nothing to say about crapapotamos.  Or fabulosity.  Unless those are words now?  I certainly hope it hasn't come to that.)


d&d said...

thanks for the shout out. i will have to post my owl costume as well.

i got a thing for miles too. just saying...