Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sometimes I Wonder About Me

Joe was here this weekend. We cleaned out my car. After a while it became clear that I should document this business because otherwise no one will believe me. I offer no explanations or apologies. I simply present a series I shall call Items Found In My Car (WTF Edition):

A perfectly lovely and never touched pair of Kenneth Cole earrings I vaguely remember buying months ago:

A wicker basket:

An unopened letter opener and magnifying lens set:

A paper towel holder:

A set of matching coffee mugs (never used):

Knuckle tape (you know, for boxing):

A dirty yoga mat:

An electric paper shredder:

A rusty garden shovel:

Then, while removing some 13+ pens from the front seat area, I accidentally sat on my digital camera and broke the lens. The end.

Cleaning out the car is at once scary, disturbing and dangerous.


D&D said...
