Sunday, March 7, 2010

Break's Over

Vacation's over. Back to real life. This week was much needed. I didn't go anywhere. Just worked at the part-time job and ran errands and slept and cooked and watched TV. I did meet my friend Ashleigh at the gym on Wednesday. But then later I met her at Cheesecake Factory so probably a wash. Lauren went home to Massachusetts so I had the apartment to myself, which is nice every once in a while.

I've also been going over my schedule for next year. We have to register for next year's classes in three days. The last time I will register for law school classes. It's already starting. The last time I register, the last time I apply for financial aid, and then next year, the last year I'm a full-time student.

Part of me is excited: no more being broke (hopefully), no more borrowing money to pay tuition, no more calling my parents for an emergency deposit into my bank account, no more finals, no more $200 textbooks. Part of me is not excited at all: no more Fridays off, no more only having two things to do on a weekday, no more Fall Break, or Spring Break, or Easter Break, or Winter Break, or Summer Break, no more living life on a schedule of my own making.

I worked a full-time 9-5 job for two years between undergrad and law school and being in school kicks 9-5 ass every single time. I would so much rather have homework than have somewhere I have to be every day, all day, with no significant break and no end in sight forever and ever. As much as law school sucks sometimes, there's always a countdown to keep you sane - only four days until three day weekend!, only four weeks until Spring Break!, only two months until the school year is over!, etc. I know from experience that I'm really, really going to miss the countdown.

This has taken a much more melancholy turn than I intended so that's enough of that. Back to school tomorrow.

Seven and a half weeks until the last day of classes.