Firstly, I must give you a proper introduction to Sheridan Ann, my very best friend in the whole wide world. Sher has been in my life since 7th grade. We were friendly from the beginning, mainly because Sheridan is friendly to everyone, but we didn't become besties probably until after both signing up for a student ambassador trip to Europe the summer after freshman year of high school. After that we were off and running. We've grown up together, and told each other almost every word of the experience, from first kisses to first loves to first jobs and everything in between. She holds up my mirror - the one I look in to figure out who I am and who I want to be.
Now she lives in San Diego and I live in Pennsylvania, so we made a commitment a couple years ago to take a girls trip once a year, every year so we get to see each other and continue having adventures. And now that we're adults, the adventures can be a tad more sophisticated than making out with boys at night at a public playground or going to a Ricky Martin concert. The latter being something I had blocked out completely but Sher recently reminded me. I think our 16 year old selves owe us an apology.
The first year was New Orleans to visit our other best friend from high school, Kathryn. The second year, she came to visit me. This year, I went to visit her in San Diego. It was my first time to the west coast since I was 6 months old, and after I got over the whole 6 hour flight part, I was pretty excited. The weather was perfectly gorgeous, California perfectly Californian, the food perfectly delicious, and the company perfectly perfect. Girls trip 2010 was a rousing success.
One of the best parts of the trip was seeing the house Sher just bought with her currently deployed Navy boyfriend and meeting her cute, cute pets, Eastwood and Cali, and seeing the life she's made for herself. It's kind of weird to realize your best friend is a grown-up. Mostly because it means you must be a grown-up too. I love you, Sher. You're a pretty awesome grown-up. Probably because I've done such a good job keeping you in line.
Next up: Girls Trip 2011!
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