Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Apology and Explanation Leading to Dear Dad...

I totally meant to write my dad a letter for Father's Day like I did for my mama and I completely forgot. I did call my papa, but just blanked on the whole letter writing intention. This makes me a not so great daughter but I think he will forgive me since he has no idea this blog exists. My mom has never seen it either. This is because I want to be able to write about things such as pregnancy scares and birth control methods without my parents being aware I even know such words and phrases.

Even though they won't read it here, I like the idea of putting my sentiments about them out into the universe. And I probably will send them the link to this page one day after I've decided I'm comfortable being an adult. That day comes, right?

So just in case he sees it one day and just so the universe knows:

Dear Daddy,

It's a crazy thing being your only little girl. I was your princess from the very beginning. I remember you taking me shopping when I was itty bitty and learning quickly that if I couldn't decide on a dress then you would buy them all. I really, really loved that about you. I also remember how quick and comfortable you were to play dolls with me or read me girly books or make me laugh. I always knew you loved having a daughter and you have always made it so clear just how intensely proud you are of me. From the pictures of me all over your office to the absolutely insane way I get calls from you at random times and you pass the phone to complete strangers and they tell me you were just talking about me to them and you decided to call me so they could say hi. Seriously, Dad, this is just nutty, and it happens a lot. I have had more conversations with strangers calling from your cell phone than I can count, you nutso. But it always makes me kinda smile because who is so proud of their kid that they feel a stranger just has to meet them, even if it's only over the phone?

Now that I'm all grown up, I love the way we tease each other. I love that you can take a joke and you get my humor. I love that we're comfortable talking to each other and that you give me my space while still letting me know you're there. I love that you're still so ridiculously proud of me. I love that when I was applying to law schools you thought I could get into Georgetown. That was never going to happen, but I love that you thought it could, so much so that you insisted on me applying and paid for the application fee. I love that you think I can do anything and when I do something even slightly worthy of recognition, you proceed to tell everyone you know, everyone you only slightly know, and everyone you just met. It's pretty embarassing but it's also pretty awesome.

Thank you for never putting a limit on how high I could fly. Thank you for believing in me to the point of ridiculousness. I am happy to be one of your four kids and really love being your only daughter. I love you. Let's go dress shopping next time I'm home, okay?
