Tuesday, April 28, 2009

All Hail Princess Buttercup

I haven’t decided yet how anonymous I’m going to keep things on this blog. I’m still feeling it out. One of the advantages to keeping things at least somewhat anonymous is asking friends what they want their nicknames to be. For instance, my roomie strangely and without explanation requested “Sparkles,” which cracks us up every time I mention it.

More recently, another friend requested to be called Princess Buttercup and then had the audacity to ask for a shout-out. This is it, Princess. I still prefer the nickname for you that I suggested, but since you kindly reminded me that my “crass language is unbecoming of a Southern lady,” I shan’t repeat it. For those of you who know my friends, this is the one who drinks Diet Coke like it’s about to be discontinued. She also cannot hum but is quite a proficient giggler.

Update: I would like to say thank you to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock for the latest ridiculous nickname request. Yeah, so far, I am defintely leaning towards no on keeping things anonymous.


SG (aka princess buttercup) said...


LWhits said...

SG you idiot, the whole point was anonymity. though I doubt anyone who bothers to read bino's blog didn't know who you were already.

Kristin said...

You can continue to call me Kristin. I don't need anonymity. My intentions are no secret, I do plan to skirt thru this future fame of your's on your coattails. Just let the tabs know, I'll tell 'em anything they wanna hear for the right price.

...that's KRISTIN, with a "K" and two "i's"...

SG said...

Whits, do you really think the diet coke and giggling didnt give it away?

Seriously, Princess Consuela Banana Hammock? Well, still an improvement on your original suggestion, although it's quite long, so good luck with that.

Christina said...

Buttercup, my love, the Princess Consuela name wasn't my attempt to rename you. Another friend suggested that one for herself. Don't worry, you are and always will be Princess Buttercup in my heart. And one day you'll find your Wesley and we will call him that and giggle and swoon and giggle.