Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Whole New World

Since Joe moved in he has bitched, moaned, complained, and otherwise made it known that he found my cable service subpar.  I do not care about such things as HD, screen size, big fancy remotes, and having hundreds upon hundreds of channels.  And I certainly cannot offer any logical, sane reason to pay extra money for any of that.  I was perfectly happy with my not-much-more-than-basic cable + all the HBOs for $41/month.  I get Bravo, Food Network, HGTV, TLC, OWN and Comedy Central so I'm good.  97.5% of my viewing is covered right there.  Joe says we need all those channels in HD, plus we need many, many more channels.  Most of which we will never watch.  And we should pay money for them!  Lots and lots of money!  Yes!  Sign me up.  I have reluctantly agreed to the upgrade on the understanding that I, at no time, will contribute anything more than $41/month for cable.  Got it?  Because it is silly and a waste.

I came home today and Joe was holding a big fancy remote.  The picture clarity is suddenly something to be remarked upon.  So many people have wrinkles I never saw before!  It's alarming.  Also!  DVR.  I immediately asked to be taught how to use it and within seconds had ordered my television to record every episode of "Season 25: Behind the Scenes," every "Real Housewives," "Inside the Actor's Studio," and so on. 

"Wha...what are you doing?  You're going to take up all the DVR memory with your crappy shows!" he dared to exclaim. 

"Dude!  If I record them, then I can watch them at my leisure when you are not around.  You never have to watch these shows again."

"Don't forget Desperate Housewives."

I still think it's silly and unnecessary.  But I have a feeling DVR is going to change my life.  Plus, only $41/month!  I think I got the better end of this deal.