Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Last Time: First Day of Class

As of today, I have attended all of my classes at least once, marking the last time I will ever have a first day of school. 

I have not done any readings thus far because I have none of my books yet.  Law school is so easy without textbooks.  I am almost dreading their arrival. 

My class schedule has been cleverly designed so that I have to do as little work as possible. Oh, you're going to require us to write papers?  DROP.  Outside projects?  DROP.  Only class readings and a final?  ADD.  Last semester was so intense I could barely catch my breath.  I'm not going out like that.  Bare minimum without embarrassing myself.  That is this semester's theme.  Get a job is also this semester's theme.  Also, save money for a summer that will be spent doing bar prep. 

Oh alright fine, I'll do a little more than bare minimum.  Depending on my grades from last semester which still have not been released, I am on the razor's edge of being able to graduate with honors.  I do want to try to at least accomplish that. 

The last passing around of syllabuses, the last time I write my name on a seating chart, the last time I have to do that awkward look around to see if I have any buddies in the room.  Check, check, check.


Kelsey said...

Hey Christina! So, it's true I only know you through your blog, but that I also know Sheridan should (I hope) be enough to assure you that I'm not crazy or scary. (Please let me know if I need a better reference.) Anywho, this doesn't have anything to do with your post (congrats on no more first day of classes though! I never liked that), but I was wondering if you would be at all interested in meeting up for a meal or something in Philadelphia, at some point this year. My husband and I live in DC, and we really want to come up and tour the city (he's been there before but I never have), and I thought hey! I know someone there, and wouldn't it be great to meet up. So, no definite plans yet, but I wanted to put it on your radar and see whether you have any free time this semester. Or this summer. You know, whenever. Ok! Hope all is well, talk soon!

Christina said...

YES!! I will email you!