Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Google Knows Everything

After reading this, I found myself Google curious. So I began experimenting, trying to find out what the people really want to know. If you type in basic question words and let Google prompt you as to what your question might be based on their most popularly asked questions, you will find out that the people, as it turns out, are morons. Also, hilarious.

Hey, Google. Why can't I own a Canadian?

"Why are there school?" Um. That's why. Also, please note that people would like to know why we are here after they can finally figure out why barns are red.

The internet is awesome. God Bless Al Gore.


SG said...

Hilarious! See, this is what happens when you procrastinate - I am entertained.

P.S. I cant get you a Canadian but I could probably get a good deal on a Haitian - would that work?