Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Procrastination At Its Finest

I did not gain any weight in Georgia. That is a small miracle and an incredible relief. Especially considering I was not careful at all. Kristin, frequent commenter on this blog and a good friend, can attest to the evening I spent indulging in fish tacos, margarita, mojito, mojito, queso, salsa, guacamole, margarita, queso, queso, chips, guacamole, queso along with my good friend Melody and cousin Laura. Oh, it was worth it but so, so painful. There were also all the treats on all the fun days with the kids and the Chik-Fil-A and the sweet tea and the brownies and the french fries and the sleeping. Since returning I have renewed my gym membership and have gotten back to cooking and snacking very healthily. Party's over.

It should be noted that at this very moment I should be writing a paper to compete to win a spot on my school's law review and law journals. For those who might not know, law review and the journals are basically publications every school puts out with writings about various legal topics written by students and professors. You have to compete to be a member by writing a paper on a topic chosen by the committee. Apparently, people take it quite seriously and it is something you should very much aspire to do. I did very much aspire to do it two weeks ago, but now this paper is due tomorrow and I'm having second thoughts, as evidenced by the fact that I'm writing this instead of that. I prefer writing for this. You people don't require footnotes.

I even called my friend, Kel, a law school survivor, to get her take on the importance of law review and journals. Kel, of all people I thought, will tell me I don't have to stress about this and it's not as big of a deal as it seems to be and not to worry, I can still be successful even if I don't try for a journal. Instead, I received this response via text after I left a message: "ABSOLUTELY DO THE JOURNAL!" In all caps no less. I have never been so disappointed by a fellow human being in my life.

When that failed, I called my mom, and explained to her that I don't feel the need to prove I am a good writer. Wouldn't it be incredibly big of me to not compete, to just be satisfied that I am good enough, without, you know, the effort? And furthermore, the prize for winning the competition is that you make law review, which means you have to do more of this. That seems grossly unfair and like a crap deal to me. She pointed out that one day I will be competing for jobs, and if I'm on law review, I'll be a more exciting candidate and ultimately might make more money because I have more experience. I retorted that once I'm hired, I'll prove I'm great and it'll all even out eventually. Her response? "Listen, I expect a certain level of luxury once you're making money and I don't want to have to wait around for it. So don't give me this nonsense. Go write your paper." FINE. But don't expect to have any say in what home I stick you in, lady. Love you!

So I have to go now. Apparently, I have to write a paper to try to win a competition so I can prove I'm worthy to my mother, to my friends and ultimately to the world. But first I'm going to go make myself a snack. Oh, and I think the season finale of My Boys is on tonight. Oh, and a new episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey. Crap.


LWhits said...

LOL I just caught up on the last 15 posts, thank you for making my Wednesday at work much more enjoyable!

SC said...

I couldn't even get a shout-out from any of your Atl trip blogs...WTF? I know, you were saving the best for last! :)-

Kristin said...

Ah, my long awaited honorable mention. How I longed for you. It could have been a little better, but for now, I'll take what I can get.